Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fish Garden and "Aquarium"

Wait a minute....this is not your ordinary fish aquarium grotto/bat cave! But what in Cairo is ordinary, after all. The Fish Garden and Aquarium opened on the island of Zamalek in Cairo in 1902.   We have never seen an aquarium that had so little water and relied so heavily on what appears to be its original collection. Leave it to those Egyptians to preserve the dead so well!

Posing petrified turtle
Preserved fish

Petrified sea lion and his petrified shark friend

Hey - we got some live ones!!!

Ruby and a beautiful pebble mosaic in the fish garden

As great as all this was, the best part was dinner of carrot soup and pumpkin kobebas (squash meatballs wrapped around spinach in a yogurt sauce) at a cool restaurant in Zamalek!


  1. I'm speechless. I must have a petrified frog in my throat.


  2. I thought I was back in anatomy class...albeit a cool anatomy class...but wow, pretty amazing preservation and petrification. Glad you got to see some 'live' fish...but mostly shared it with your family. Wishing you well my friends! Bobo

  3. I would think the word "garden" would imply something growing... Just a western bias. So good to see Ruby and Paul in the photos!

  4. Very cool. Sounds like you are enjoying the sites - and the food!

    What a great way to get more experience for opening that restaurant someday or atleast competing in a throw down:)

  5. hey Paul hope you and the girls are doing fine happy new year when are you going to buy a pet camel ha ha miss you on tuesday allready Randy
