Sunday, January 22, 2012

ASWAN - Part 2

Had a camera malfunction and thought we lost most of our Aswan photos. Recovered them through the wonders of modern technology – so – here is part 2!

Yes...finally some modern art. Of course we all love the antiquities ... but we were quite happy to come upon a sculpture garden on a hill outside of Aswan with something from the present century. 

Katie: Photos from the Nubian Museum of skeletons dug up during excavations in the 1940's.
Ruby: They buried them with some jars and thats for their after-life because they believe in after-lives. And they might need some stuff for it!

Ruby: We are at a Nubian house at the Nubian Museum -  the decorations are fantastic! 

Windows in a Coptic church. Egypt is 90% Muslim, 10% Coptic Christian. they get picked on, but make beautiful churches. There is a huge coptic church in Aswan and we decided to stop in. A very nice woman gave us a tour. 

Our felucca captain

Felucca ride in Aswan

Katie: Ruby's favorite plant in the herbarium on Kitchner Island.
Ruby: thats my favorite plant in the herbarium.

The night sky over the bazaar in Aswan

Ruby: the shop owner in the bazaar teaches Paul to dance. What fun!!!
Katie: Our shopkeeper immediately recognized Paul's innate rhythmic abilities and taught him a little dance.

In the off chance you can't find these in the US we picked up a couple of dozen for close friends! Dashboard fuzz is for extra special friends! 

Philae Temple

Ruby's first temple!

Ruby: how dare he sticks his tongue out at me!!

The modern sculpture garden outside of Aswan

Paul, Ruby and Hasan - our taxi driver and new friend!
Ruby: Ruby sits it a hippos mouth with Paul's head in it.

Yea - you would have done it too...

Katie's personal favorites!


  1. So glad you recovered these photos - they are amazing! Love the sculpture garden and yes, I would have done the same with that big ol' schnoz. :) What a great educational experience Ruby is getting - seeing so much and sharing it with the people that love her most. Hugs for all of you...picturing the pink seat covers and gray fuzzy dash on your jeep now...I think it works! Love, Bobo

  2. I liked picking the nose of the sculpture love,Ruby
