Saturday, October 22, 2011


The days and nights begin. Spent the first one with a Cairo-bottled Stella and a view of the Nile. Not bad.


  1. Whohoo! You made it, you courageous, adventurous woman you. Is this the view out of your apartment or hotel?

  2. View nothing - this is my apartment !

  3. So you're beyond adventurous -- you're crazy! Do you sleep with a life vest?

  4. hi Katie just trying to make this work Kathy

  5. We want more! More pictures! More updates! How's your new job going? What does your flat and street look like? Neighbors?

  6. Hi katie,

    hope this finds you well on your roller coaster ride! We took Ruby out to dinner last night, she got in on the excitement as we saw my car about to be towed away. Celia was sobbing because her teddy bear was in the car, $60 later all was well. Send some photos of life in Egypt, we especially need to see a picture of you cooking so we know all is well!

  7. Skyped with Ruby little while ago and she told me the story! My day was made today when I found real live popcorn in a market. I'll try and gent action shot of my attempts to pop popcorn the old fashioned way on the stove!

  8. Hey Katie, you are our HERO!!!! Go girl! The pic's rock keep 'em comin!

    hugs, Kensora clan
